SFMS Field Trips
Iridescent hematite, Image Credit: Lori Carter
(See more about this image below)
All members of clubs in the SFMS abide by the AFMS Code of Ethics.
The Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies sponsors federation-wide field trips and provides field trip support for clubs in the SFMS.
The SFMS also has a field trip sharing program called the DMC. Clubs in the program take turns sharing one of their field trips with other clubs in the program. This increases the number of field trips a club can offer their members, and members enjoy a variety of field trips all over the southeast. For more information about the program, click here for the DMC pages.
About the image on this page
Iridescent Hematite
Hematite is an iron oxide mineral. The iridescence (rainbow colors) in this specimen are caused by a thin layer of nanoparticles or nanocrystals. This colorful piece was collected on a club field trip.
Image Credit: Lori Carter