President's Message

Mandarin Calcite, Image Credit: Dennis Buchanan

(See more about this image below)

President's Message

Our first workshop at William Holland has passed and was an outstanding success.  A huge attaboy goes out to Cindy Reed, Rick Marshall and Juergen Poppelreuter.  There’s two Workshops left for 2024, so if you are thinking about taking a class you’d better hurry up and register before it’s full.


I’m back to reminding everyone about how important it is to be mindful about safety while in the workshop and on field trips. Please raise your awareness of the impact that a workshop or field trip injury can have on your family, friends, and fellow club members.  On this day, I ask that you take a few moments to pause and reflect on how an accident will impact you, and everyone around you, and to redouble your efforts towards being safe.  I think a slogan we’ve all heard before “if you see something say something” applies in this situation.  If you see someone being unsafe during a workshop or on a field trip do not hesitate to bring their unsafe actions to their attention.  Being bold and speaking up may save their life!


Finally, I’d like to thank Vonda Echols for filling in for me at the last quarterly meeting.  I am disappointed that I missed the workshop and meeting, but it couldn’t be helped.

Best regards,

Danny Griffin, SFMS President

About the image on this page

Mandarin Calcite

This beautiful calcite from North Carolina fluoresces a stunning bright pink-red color under medium wave UV light.

Image Credit: Dennis Buchanan